Killarney Tribute

The important thing about Cullette's life is that, despite the disadvantage of her early home life, she was exposed from birth to the gospel of the love and saving power of God, and that she made Jesus her savior at some point.

Because her spirit was born again, we have the assurance of seeing her soon when we are on the other side. That her soul was only partially restored by the Word, the reason for her going home early, we should still be thankful for the part of her soul that was restored, for the love she showed us, for the will she had to serve the Lord Jesus, and for the portion of her self that was healed.

Cullette's walk with God was a big part of her life and obviously the only part that mattered. She did the best she could, and her life is a challenge to all of us to look inside and say with David, "If there be anything in here that keeps me from You," to put it under the Blood and take the healing for which Jesus paid so dearly and gladly.

The pain Cullette endured should encourage all of us who know Jesus to renew our effort to receive from Him the wealth of benefits he offers, to live each remaining day until His return in the fullness of the Blessing His sacrifice purchased.

I am so grateful for the Lord's healing power in my life and for your love for Him. I love you.


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