Cullette's Psalm

A Psalm of Cullette

Lord, look down on this child of yours
The work of your hand
Consider my weaknesses
Remember me in my afflictions
Forgive me of my sins
Heal me of my distrust

I wait for you O Lord
I call to you and know you hear my cries
Extend your loving hand to me
Cover me with your grace

My hope is in your Word
That renews my mind
In the presence of your Son
Who guides my steps
In your unconditional love
That fills my heart

I lift my eyes to you for help
I turn my ear to you for wisdom
I stretch out my hands to you for comfort
I bend my knees to you in prayer

The Lord empowers me with courage
I will not fear
The Lord’s hand holds me, He is always with me
I release my anger and the Lord grants me peace
I praise His name

I will dwell with God in his house for eternity
And praise His Name forever and ever

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